LXL Capital mission is to provide a one-stop comprehensive platform for businesses for fundraising events as well as day to day operational support.
Here at LXL Capital, early stage and middle stage businesses could find any resources they need including fundraising, IP protection, financial reporting and tax planning and marketing.
For early stage and middle stage businesses, we help develop strategies for fundraising and business development. Moreover, we provide merchant banking services including bridge financing and short & long term loans.
For investors, we assist with technical and commercial due diligence procedure and offer technology scouting services.
We protect clients IP rights via patents, copyrights trade markets and our IP digital platform.
Moreover, we provide day to day operational corporate law services including negotiation, draft of shareholder and investment agreement and law due diligence procedure.
We prepare financial reporting and analysis reports and establish effective internal control through a top-down, risk-based approach.
Moreover, we provide tax accrual consulting and planning services, which we believe it's very essential for a business to start collecting tax credits from early stage to save them for later stage.
We deliver webpage and social media design and email or social media campaign.
Moreover, we could support interview and publishing on well-known media including Wall Street Journal and Fortune.
Finally, we could facilitate registration of the entity and talent acquisition when entering in different countries or markets.